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File Created: 25-May-2000 by Ian Webster (ICLW)
Last Edit:  25-May-2000 by Ian Webster (ICLW)

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Name CROWN OF THE SEA, COTS Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103H034
Status Showing NTS Map 103H06W
Latitude 053º 21' 50'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 16' 20'' Northing 5912786
Easting 481885
Commodities Copper, Molybdenum, Gold, Silver Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Alexander
Capsule Geology

The showing is located about 6 kilometres south of Hartley Bay on the west side of Camp Point which is also known as Waterman Point.

The showing is underlain by dioritic gneiss belonging to a migmatitic complex which is part of the Coast Complex. Gneissic layering trends northwesterly, dips steeply east and is cut by numerous pegmatitic veinlets. A single quartz vein crops out on the shoreline and extends laterally for approximately 20 metres. The vein width varies from more than 60 centimetres to less than 1 centimetre near the western termination. The vein trends approximately 231 degrees and dips moderately to the north. A minor northwest-trending left hand fault displaces the vein by 1.5 metres at one point. Patches of pyrite, chalcopyrite and dark green chlorite occur scattered throughout the white quartz. Flakes of molybdenite coat some fractures within the vein. Two out of four grab samples taken from the vein material assayed over 1 per cent copper and were anomalous in molybdenum and gold.

EMPR EXPL *1988, p. B143
GSC P 70-41, 56 pages